Script Categories

Every NASL plug-in needs to specify a single category it belongs to by invoking script_category(). For example, a plug-in whose main purpose is to test a denial-of-service vulnerability should invoke script_category( ) as follows:


You can invoke the script_category( ) function with any of the following categories as the parameter:


This category is used by plug-ins to specify that their purpose is to launch a vulnerability scan on a target host.


This category is reserved for plug-ins which perform denial-of-service vulnerability checks against services running on remote hosts.


This category is used by plug-ins that attempt to scan for vulnerabilities that might destroy data on a remote host if the attempt succeeds.


This category is for plug-ins whose purpose is to gather information about a target host. For example, a plug-in that connects to port 21 of a remote host to obtain its FTP banner will be defined under this category.


This category contains plug-ins that merely set global variables (KB items) that are used by other plug-ins.


This category is used to define plug-ins that might crash a vulnerable remote host or make it unstable.


This category contains plug-ins which, if successful, might cause the vulnerable remote host or its services to become unstable or crash.


This category contains plug-ins that perform scans ...

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