Scan For World- and Group-Writable Directories

Quickly scan for directories with loose permissions.

World- and group-writable directories present a problem: if the users of a system have not set their umask properly, they will inadvertently create insecure files, completely unaware of the implications. With this in mind, it seems it would be good to scan for directories with loose permissions. Much like [Hack #2] , this can be accomplished by running the find command:

# find / -type d \( -perm -g+w -o -perm -o+w \) -exec ls -lad {} \;

Any directories that are listed in the output should have the sticky bit set, which is denoted by a t in the directory’s permission bits. A world-writable directory with the sticky bit set ensures that even though anyone may create files in the directory, they may not delete or modify another user’s files. If you see a directory in the output that does not contain a sticky bit, consider whether it really needs to be world-writable or whether the use of groups or ACLs [Hack #4] will work better for your situation. If you really do need the directory to be world-writable, set the sticky bit on it using chmod +t.

To get a list of the directories that don’t have their sticky bit set, run this:

# find / -type d \( -perm -g+w -o -perm -o+w \) \
            -not -perm -a+t -exec ls -lad {} \;

If you’re using a system that creates a unique group for each user (e.g., you create a user andrew, which in turn creates a group andrew as the primary group), you may want to modify the commands to not scan for group-writable directories. (Otherwise, you will get a lot of output that really isn’t pertinent.) To do this, run the command without the -perm -g+w portion.

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