Using UDP Sockets with IO::Socket

Naturally, IO::Socket provides support for UDP sockets. To create a socket suitable for outgoing messages, call IO::Socket::INET->new() with a Proto argument of " udp " and no other arguments:

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (Proto=>'udp') or die $@;

To create a socket bound to a known local port or interface address, provide one or more of the LocalAddr and LocalPort arguments:

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (Proto   => 'udp',
                                  LocalAddr => 12000,
                                  LocalPort => 'localhost'
                                  ) or die $@;

You may also connect() the socket and set a default destination address for send() by providing new() with the PeerAddr and optionally PeerPort arguments:

 my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (Proto =>'udp', PeerAddr=>'' ...

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