
XmlNodeEventArgs — System.Xml.Serialization (system.xml.dll)    class 


public class XmlNodeEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Instance Properties
   public int LineNumber{get; } 
   public int LinePosition{get; } 
   public string LocalName{get; } 
   public string Name{get; } 
   public string NamespaceURI{get; } 
   public XmlNodeType NodeType{get; } 
   public object ObjectBeingDeserialized{get; } 
   public string Text{get; } 

An object of this type is passed to the XmlNodeEventHandler callback when an unknown node is encountered while deserializing an object from XML. Its Name, LocalName, and NamespaceURI properties return the name, local name, and namespace URI of the node, respectively, and the NodeType property returns its System.Xml.XmlNodeType. The Text property returns the text of the XML node, if any. The LineNumber and LinePosition properties give more information about the node’s location in the XML stream. The ObjectBeingDeserialized property returns the object being deserialized.



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