


This enumeration is used by the ListChangedEventArgs class to specify the kind of change that caused the event to be raised. The possible change types relate to either items being added, removed or changed, or to the schema of the list changing. The Reset option indicates that substantial changes have been made to the list, and that the observer should refresh its entire display.

public enum ListChangedType {

   Reset = 0,

   ItemAdded = 1,

   ItemDeleted = 2,

   ItemMoved = 3,

   ItemChanged = 4,

   PropertyDescriptorAdded = 5,

   PropertyDescriptorDeleted = 6,

   PropertyDescriptorChanged = 7



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) ListChangedType

Returned By


Passed To


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