


This bitfield enumeration is used by the ControlDesigner.SelectionRules property to determine whether the control is selectable, movable, and how it might be resized. The ControlDesigner uses this when rendering selection handles and manipulating the control on the design surface.

public enum SelectionRules {

   None = 0x00000000,

   TopSizeable = 0x00000001,

   BottomSizeable = 0x00000002,

   LeftSizeable = 0x00000004,

   RightSizeable = 0x00000008,

   AllSizeable = 0x0000000F,

   Moveable = 0x10000000,

   Visible = 0x40000000,

   Locked = 0x80000000



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparab, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) SelectionRules

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