


This class provides the base functionality for the DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown controls. It offers a text box with an attached spin control.

InterceptArrowKeys determines whether you can use the arrow keys to spin the value up and down. UpDownAlign sets the spin buttons to the left or right of the control, respecting the right-to-left setting of the context. UpButton() and DownButton() programmatically invoke the pressing of the respective spin buttons.

public abstract class UpDownBase : ContainerControl {

// Public Constructors

   public UpDownBase();

// Public Instance Properties

   public override bool AutoScroll{set; get; }

// overrides ScrollableControl

   public Size AutoScrollMargin{set; get; }

// overrides ScrollableControl

   public Size AutoScrollMinSize{set; get; }

// overrides ScrollableControl

   public override Color BackColor{set; get; }

// overrides Control

   public override Image BackgroundImage{set; get; }

// overrides Control

   public BorderStyle BorderStyle{set; get; }

   public override ContextMenu ContextMenu{set; get; }

// overrides Control

   public DockPaddingEdges DockPadding{get; }

// overrides ScrollableControl

   public override bool Focused{get; }

// overrides Control

   public override Color ForeColor{set; get; }

// overrides Control

   public bool InterceptArrowKeys{set; get; }

   public int PreferredHeight{get; }

   public bool ReadOnly{set; get; }

   public override string Text{set; get; }

// overrides Control

   public HorizontalAlignment TextAlign{set; get; } public ...

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