


This enumeration defines the various parts of a MonthCalendar control for use with the HitArea property.

public enum MonthCalendar.HitArea {

   Nowhere = 0,

   TitleBackground = 1,

   TitleMonth = 2,

   TitleYear = 3,

   NextMonthButton = 4,

   PrevMonthButton = 5,

   CalendarBackground = 6,

   Date = 7,

   NextMonthDate = 8,

   PrevMonthDate = 9,

   DayOfWeek = 10,

   WeekNumbers = 11,

   TodayLink = 12



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) HitArea

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