


This class encapsulates the event arguments for owner-draw events. CheckedListBox, ComboBox, ListBox, MenuItem, StatusBar, and TabControl controls all support owner draw features, if you set their DrawMode property appropriately.

When you handle an item’s DrawItem event, you can retrieve information about the BackColor, ForeColor, and Font of the item to be painted. You can also get the System.Drawing.Graphics surface on which to paint the item, and the Bounds of the item to draw on that surface.

Other properties specify the Index of the item to paint, and the State of the item from the DrawItemState enumeration.

Two utility methods will DrawBackground() or DrawFocusRectangle() imagery.

public class DrawItemEventArgs : EventArgs {

// Public Constructors

   public DrawItemEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Font font, 

        System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, int index, DrawItemState state);

   public DrawItemEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Font font, 

        System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, int index, DrawItemState state, System.Drawing.Color foreColor, 

        System.Drawing.Color backColor);

// Public Instance Properties

   public Color BackColor{get; }

   public Rectangle Bounds{get; }

   public Font Font{get; }

   public Color ForeColor{get; }

   public Graphics Graphics{get; }

   public int Index{get; }

   public DrawItemState State{get; }

// Public Instance Methods

   public virtual void DrawBackground();

   public virtual void DrawFocusRectangle();


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