


This bitfield enumeration is used to specify how a drop operation might be concluded by a drop target. See DragEventArgs for more information.

public enum DragDropEffects {

   None = 0x00000000,

   Copy = 0x00000001,

   Move = 0x00000002,

   Link = 0x00000004,

   Scroll = 0x80000000,

   All = 0x80000003



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) DragDropEffects

Returned By

Control.DoDragDrop(), DragEventArgs.{AllowedEffect, Effect}, GiveFeedbackEventArgs.Effect

Passed To

Control.DoDragDrop(), DragEventArgs.{DragEventArgs(), Effect}, GiveFeedbackEventArgs.GiveFeedbackEventArgs()

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