


This class encapsulates information that defines how a single page will be printed. The default page settings for a document are specified using the PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings property, but you can modify them on a page-by-page basis by handling the PrintDocument.QueryPageSettings event. Note that the PrintDocument.PrintPage event also allows you to change the page settings, so you do not necessarily need both.

You can get the Bounds of the page, taking into account the Landscape property, which can be used to set the orientation of the output. This includes the printable area of the page, excluding the Margins that have been defined. You can also retrieve the actual PaperSize for the selected PaperSource.

You can also find some information about the printer, including the PrinterResolution (see the PrinterResolution class for more information) and the PrinterSettings.

public class PageSettings : ICloneable {

// Public Constructors

   public PageSettings();

   public PageSettings(PrinterSettings printerSettings);

// Public Instance Properties

   public Rectangle Bounds{get; }

   public bool Color{set; get; }

   public bool Landscape{set; get; }

   public Margins Margins{set; get; }

   public PaperSize PaperSize{set; get; }

   public PaperSource PaperSource{set; get; }

   public PrinterResolution PrinterResolution{set; get; }

   public PrinterSettings PrinterSettings{set; get; }

// Public Instance Methods

   public object Clone();  // implements ICloneable

   public void CopyToHdevmode ...

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