


This enumeration lists the various kinds of linecap that be applied to the line drawn by a System.Drawing.Pen.

They come into two categories: the caps, which provide endcaps the same width as the line, and the anchors, which provide marker shapes at the end of the line. If you wish to use a CustomLineCap, you need to specify the Custom value here.

public enum LineCap {

   Flat = 0,

   Square = 1,

   Round = 2,

   Triangle = 3,

   NoAnchor = 16,

   SquareAnchor = 17,

   RoundAnchor = 18,

   DiamondAnchor = 19,

   ArrowAnchor = 20,

   AnchorMask = 240,

   Custom = 255



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) LineCap

Returned By

CustomLineCap.BaseCap, System.Drawing.Pen.{EndCap, StartCap}

Passed To

CustomLineCap.{BaseCap, CustomLineCap(), GetStrokeCaps(), SetStrokeCaps()}, System.Drawing.Pen.{EndCap, SetLineCap(), StartCap}

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