


This enumeration specifies the various different types of hatch grid that can be used with a HatchBrush.

public enum HatchStyle {

   Horizontal = 0,

   Min = 0,

   Vertical = 1,

   ForwardDiagonal = 2,

   BackwardDiagonal = 3,

   Cross = 4,

   LargeGrid = 4,

   Max = 4,

   DiagonalCross = 5,

   Percent05 = 6,

   Percent10 = 7,

   Percent20 = 8,

   Percent25 = 9,

   Percent30 = 10,

   Percent40 = 11,

   Percent50 = 12,

   Percent60 = 13,

   Percent70 = 14,

   Percent75 = 15,

   Percent80 = 16,

   Percent90 = 17,

   LightDownwardDiagonal = 18,

   LightUpwardDiagonal = 19,

   DarkDownwardDiagonal = 20,

   DarkUpwardDiagonal = 21,

   WideDownwardDiagonal = 22,

   WideUpwardDiagonal = 23,

   LightVertical = 24,

   LightHorizontal = 25,

   NarrowVertical = 26,

   NarrowHorizontal = 27,

   DarkVertical = 28,

   DarkHorizontal = 29,

   DashedDownwardDiagonal = 30,

   DashedUpwardDiagonal = 31,

   DashedHorizontal = 32,

   DashedVertical = 33,

   SmallConfetti = 34,

   LargeConfetti = 35,

   ZigZag = 36,

   Wave = 37,

   DiagonalBrick = 38,

   HorizontalBrick = 39,

   Weave = 40,

   Plaid = 41,

   Divot = 42,

   DottedGrid = 43,

   DottedDiamond = 44,

   Shingle = 45,

   Trellis = 46,

   Sphere = 47,

   SmallGrid = 48,

   SmallCheckerBoard = 49,

   LargeCheckerBoard = 50,

   OutlinedDiamond = 51,

   SolidDiamond = 52



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) HatchStyle

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