


This class contains a set of static properties that return appropriate Color values for current the system theme.

If you are retrieving the color just to create a SolidBrush or Pen, you should use the SystemBrushes or SystemPens class instead.

public sealed class SystemColors {

// Public Static Properties

   public static Color ActiveBorder{get; }

   public static Color ActiveCaption{get; }

   public static Color ActiveCaptionText{get; }

   public static Color AppWorkspace{get; }

   public static Color Control{get; }

   public static Color ControlDark{get; }

   public static Color ControlDarkDark{get; }

   public static Color ControlLight{get; }

   public static Color ControlLightLight{get; }

   public static Color ControlText{get; }

   public static Color Desktop{get; }

   public static Color GrayText{get; }

   public static Color Highlight{get; }

   public static Color HighlightText{get; }

   public static Color HotTrack{get; }

   public static Color InactiveBorder{get; }

   public static Color InactiveCaption{get; }

   public static Color InactiveCaptionText{get; }

   public static Color Info{get; }

   public static Color InfoText{get; }

   public static Color Menu{get; }

   public static Color MenuText{get; }

   public static Color ScrollBar{get; }

   public static Color Window{get; }

   public static Color WindowFrame{get; }

   public static Color WindowText{get; }


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