


This class provides a set of static properties that return Brush objects for (almost) all the standard system colors. Unfortunately, some of the system colors were deemed to be “not for filling surfaces”—InactiveCaptionText for instance—so you’ll have to fall back on SystemColors and SolidBrush if you want to use them.

Unlike most brushes, you do not need to Dispose() the ones returned from this class. In fact, you mustn’t dispose of it, or you will leave an unpleasant hole in the thread-local system brush table.

To retrieve a Brush for one of the web colors, see Brushes.

public sealed class SystemBrushes {

// Public Static Properties

   public static Brush ActiveBorder{get; }

   public static Brush ActiveCaption{get; }

   public static Brush ActiveCaptionText{get; }

   public static Brush AppWorkspace{get; }

   public static Brush Control{get; }

   public static Brush ControlDark{get; }

   public static Brush ControlDarkDark{get; }

   public static Brush ControlLight{get; }

   public static Brush ControlLightLight{get; }

   public static Brush ControlText{get; }

   public static Brush Desktop{get; }

   public static Brush Highlight{get; }

   public static Brush HighlightText{get; }

   public static Brush HotTrack{get; }

   public static Brush InactiveBorder{get; }

   public static Brush InactiveCaption{get; }

   public static Brush Info{get; }

   public static Brush Menu{get; }

   public static Brush ScrollBar{get; }

   public static Brush Window{get; }

   public static Brush WindowText{get; }

// Public Static Methods ...

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