


This enumeration contains a list of all the well-known colors. This includes both the web colors (such as Aqua and LightSteelBlue) and the system colors (such as ControlText). It is used by such methods as Color.FromKnownColor() to refer to a particular Color. Note that the entries in this enumeration are, by their nature, just integers and not the actual Color values themselves.

public enum KnownColor {

   ActiveBorder = 1,

   ActiveCaption = 2,

   ActiveCaptionText = 3,

   AppWorkspace = 4,

   Control = 5,

   ControlDark = 6,

   ControlDarkDark = 7,

   ControlLight = 8,

   ControlLightLight = 9,

   ControlText = 10,

   Desktop = 11,

   GrayText = 12,

   Highlight = 13,

   HighlightText = 14,

   HotTrack = 15,

   InactiveBorder = 16,

   InactiveCaption = 17,

   InactiveCaptionText = 18,

   Info = 19,

   InfoText = 20,

   Menu = 21,

   MenuText = 22,

   ScrollBar = 23,

   Window = 24,

   WindowFrame = 25,

   WindowText = 26,

   Transparent = 27,

   AliceBlue = 28,

   AntiqueWhite = 29,

   Aqua = 30,

   Aquamarine = 31,

   Azure = 32,

   Beige = 33,

   Bisque = 34,

   Black = 35,

   BlanchedAlmond = 36,

   Blue = 37,

   BlueViolet = 38,

   Brown = 39,

   BurlyWood = 40,

   CadetBlue = 41,

   Chartreuse = 42,

   Chocolate = 43,

   Coral = 44,

   CornflowerBlue = 45,

   Cornsilk = 46,

   Crimson = 47,

   Cyan = 48,

   DarkBlue = 49,

   DarkCyan = 50,

   DarkGoldenrod = 51,

   DarkGray = 52,

   DarkGreen = 53,

   DarkKhaki = 54,

   DarkMagenta = 55,

   DarkOliveGreen = 56,

   DarkOrange = 57,

   DarkOrchid = 58,

   DarkRed = 59,

   DarkSalmon = 60,

   DarkSeaGreen = 61,

   DarkSlateBlue = 62,

   DarkSlateGray = 63,

   DarkTurquoise = 64,

   DarkViolet ...

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