How to do it...

  1. Open Visual Studio 2017.
  2. Now open the solution from the previous recipe. Click File | Open | Open Project/Solution or press Ctrl + Shift + O and select the Chapter7.MailBox solution. 
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + B for a quick build to check everything is fine. 
  4. Click on the Chapter7.MailBox solution label. Click File | Add | New Project.
  5. In the Add New Project template dialog box, expand the Visual C# node in the left pane. 
  6. Select Windows Classic Desktop and select WPF App (.NET Framework) in the right pane:
  1. Now, in the Name: textbox type Chapter7.MailBox.WPFMail as the name of the project. The rest of the fields can be left at ...

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