18.1. Using Delegates

Listing 18.1 shows a simple delegate.

Listing 18.1. A Simple Delegate Example (C#)
1 using System;
2 public class Test {
3   public delegate float CalcIncome(float hourlyWages);
4   public static void Main(string[] args) {
      CalcIncome del = new
5   }
6   public class Person {
7   public float income;
8   public static float CalcMonthlyIncome(float hourlyWages) {
      return hourlyWages * 160;
9   }
10  public static float CalcAnnualIncome(float hourlyWages) {
        resturn hourlyWages * 160 * 12;
11  }

The first step is to declare the delegate, which is done in line 3:

public delegate float CalcIncome(float hourlyWages);

This declares a public delegate called CalcIncome that ...

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