

  1. AdHocWorksapce

  2. AnalyzeMethodDeclaration() method

  3. Analyzer with Code Fix (NuGet + VSIX)

  4. ApplyChangesOperation


  1. base.BaseMethod()

  2. BaseExpression() provides


  1. Cake build file

  2. CancellationToken

  3. C# interactive, scripting API

    1. analyzing scripts

    2. NuGet package

    3. scripts evaluation

      1. AddImports()

      2. AddReferences()

      3. CompilationErrorException

      4. Context class

      5. CSharpScript

      6. CustomContext

      7. custom types

      8. EvaluateAsync()

      9. EvaluateCodeWithGlobalContextAsync()

      10. global context object

      11. ScriptOptions

    4. state management, scripts

  4. C# interactive window

    1. class creation

    2. code creation, script

    3. defined classes

    4. experience, command line

    5. #help command

    6. resetting, interactive session

    7. simple calculations

    8. string

    9. variable, printing

  5. ClassDeclaractionSyntax node

  6. ClassDeclarationNode

  7. ClassDeclarationSyntax

  8. CodeRefactoringProvider

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