
List is a generic type implementation. An F# list is similar to a linked list implementation in any other functional language. It has a special opening and closing bracket construct, a short form of the standard empty list ([ ]) syntax:

let empty = [] // This is an empty list of untyped type or we can say     //generic type. Here type is: 'a listlet intList = [10;20;30;40] // this is an integer type list

The cons operator is used to prepend an item to a list using a double colon cons(prepend,::). To append another list to one list, we use the append operator—@:

// prepend item x into a listlet addItem xs x = x :: xs let newIntList = addItem intList 50 // add item 50 in above list //“intlist”, final result would be- [50;10;20;30;40]// using ...

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