Adding reviews to Neo4j

To add reviews to Neo4j, we should first create an uniqueness constraint on reviews, as shown:

neo4j-sh (?)$ CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (review:Review) ASSERT review._id IS UNIQUE;

The output of the preceding query is as follows:

| No data returned. |
Constraints added: 1

To add a review, we can use the following query:

neo4j-sh (?)$ CREATE (review:Review{ _id:"d11f1d66-2331-11e5-ab8f-6c40089a9424", value_for_money: 2, comfort: 3, food: 4, service: 3, stayed_on: 1388670309.210871, created_on: 1391157765.857148, stay_year: 2014, stay_month: 1, stay_day: 2, description:"Was a comfortable stay. Could improve a lot though"}) WITH review MATCH (hotel:Hotel{_id: "19397f48-1c6f-11e5-8014-6c40089a9424"}), ...

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