Fetching hotels

Hotels can be found on the basis of which airport are they connected to, as shown in the following query:

neo4j-sh (?)$ MATCH (airport:Airport)-[:HAS_HOTEL]->(hotel:Hotel) 
WHERE airport.code IN ["JFK", "LAX"]
RETURN airport.code, hotel.name, hotel.price;

The output of the preceding query is as follows:

| airport.code | hotel.name             | hotel.price |
| "JFK"        | "Hampton Inn"          | 70          |
| "JFK"        | "Fairfield Inn"        | 80          |
| "LAX"        | "LAX South Travelodge" | 93          |
| "LAX"        | "Sheraton"             | 170         |
| "LAX"        | "Concourse"            | 100         |
5 rows

Although we can find hotels while searching for flights, ...

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