
Note: Page numbers followed by b, f, and t indicate boxes, figures, and tables, respectively.

Abstract comparisons, 174, 178–179
Accumulated mind, 8
AIR (Accept the Offer, Improve the Offer, Reject the Offer), 115
Alternatives, 185
Ambiguity, 11–12, 25, 37
Anchoring trap, 173–174, 175b
Answers, formulas, and techniques (AFTs), 3, 35–36, 61, 118, 173
Arguments, 146
aRousal traps, 174, 178, 179b
Arson Card, 118, 118b
Assumptions, 6, 35–37
contextual, 35
faulty, 40
questioning, 7
surface, 38, 43
in thinking errors, 54–65, 55b
assessment measures, 56
audience, 57–58, 59f
context, 57
interpretive review, 64–65
possibility vs. probability, 64, 64b
previous knowledge, 55–56, 56b
problem identification, 55
time, 56–57
values, 57
unquestioned, 40
Attributes ...

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