9.8. Exercises

1: Write a template reverse() function to reverse elements of a generic array in place. Can you use the template swap() function from page 391? Write a display() template function to show your results.
// reverse.c - reverse array elements in place 
#include <iostream.h>
#include "String.h"

int main()
   static int a[5] = { 12, 47, -33, 101, 56 };
   reverse(a, 5);
   display(a, 5);

   static String b[4] = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
   reverse(b, 4);
   display(b, 4);
   return 0;

$ reverse
56 101 -33 47 12
four three two one
2:Write a template move() function that copies arrays of generic objects for a specific count. Here are several examples of move() with String objects and integers.
 String a[100], b[100]; // a and b are arrays of ...

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