
My sincere gratitude goes to the many people who helped make this book a reality. My good friend and trusted adviser Charles A. "CAZ" Zimmerman has provided his continued support and advice. Courtney Allen, Kristin Vorce, and the editorial team at Wiley gave me the opportunity to share my experience with other photographers and provided expert publishing guidance along the way. To my travel buddies and nature photographers Monte Trumbull, Jim Talaric, and Mark Ferguson: Our adventures and camaraderie have given me immeasurable inspiration and our many conversations have proved an invaluable sounding board for the development of my work. Thanks also to my friends and fellow nature photographers Jesse Speer, Rod Hanna, Adam Schallau, G. Brad Lewis, Erik Stensland, Guy Tal and Kalin Wilson. Your work is truly an inspiration.

Thanks also to my workshop partners Bret Edge and Grant Collier, with whom I've led many successful nature workshops over the years. Working with professionals of this caliber has helped me learn what it means to provide the best experiences for students. My thanks to Bruce Hucko at the Moab Photo Symposium for the opportunity to present at one of the best nature photo events in the United States; Jeff Johnson and Jill Bailey of the Professional Photographers of Colorado, Nancy Green of the Professional Photographers Association of Massachusetts, and the leaders of Denver-area photo clubs who invited me to present to their groups, especially Craig ...

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