Exploring the dataset objects

Let's look at the dataset objects, that is, trn, vld, and tst:

trn, vld, tst> (<torchtext.data.dataset.TabularDataset at 0x1d6c86f1320>,
 <torchtext.data.dataset.TabularDataset at 0x1d6c86f1908>,
 <torchtext.data.dataset.TabularDataset at 0x1d6c86f16d8>)

They are all objects from the same class. Our dataset objects can be indexed and iterated over like normal lists, so let's see what the first element looks like:

trn[0], vld[0], tst[0]> (<torchtext.data.example.Example at 0x1d6c86f1940>,
 <torchtext.data.example.Example at 0x1d6c86fed30>,
 <torchtext.data.example.Example at 0x1d6c86fecc0>)

All our elements are, in turn, objects of the example.Example class. Each example stores each column as ...

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