Stop words removal and case change

These simple ideas are widespread and fairly effective for a lot of tasks. They are particularly useful in reducing the number of unique tokens in a document for your processing.  

spaCy has already marked each token as a stop word or not and stored it in the is_stop attribute of each token. This makes it very handy for text cleaning. Let's take a quick look:

sentence_example = "the AI/AGI uprising cannot happen without the progress of NLP"[(token, token.is_stop, token.is_punct) for token in nlp(sentence_example)]   [(the, True, False),    (AI, False, False),    (/, False, True),    (AGI, True, False),    (uprising, False, False),    (can, True, False),    (not, True, False),    (happen, False, False), (without, True, False), ...

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