The Sitemap spider

If the site provides sitemap.xml, then a better way to crawl the site is to use SiteMapSpider instead.

Here, given sitemap.xml, the spider parses the URLs provided by the site itself. This is a more polite way of crawling and good practice:

>>>from scrapy.contrib.spiders import SitemapSpider
>>>class MySpider(SitemapSpider):
>>>    sitemap_URLss = ['']
>>>    sitemap_rules = [('/electronics/', 'parse_electronics'), ('/apparel/', 'parse_apparel'),] 
>>>    def 'parse_electronics'(self, response):
>>>        # you need to create an item for electronics,
>>>        return 
>>>    def 'parse_apparel'(self, response):
>>>        #you need to create an item for apparel
>>>        return

In the preceding code, we wrote one parse method for ...

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