Why Python?

Python is a simple yet powerful programming language with excellent functionality for processing linguistic data. Python can be downloaded for free from http://www.python.org/. Installers are available for all platforms.

Here is a five-line Python program that processes file.txt and prints all the words ending in ing:

>>> for line in open("file.txt"):
...     for word in line.split():
...         if word.endswith('ing'):
...             print word

This program illustrates some of the main features of Python. First, whitespace is used to nest lines of code; thus the line starting with if falls inside the scope of the previous line starting with for; this ensures that the ing test is performed for each word. Second, Python is object-oriented; each variable is an entity that has certain defined attributes and methods. For example, the value of the variable line is more than a sequence of characters. It is a string object that has a “method” (or operation) called split() that we can use to break a line into its words. To apply a method to an object, we write the object name, followed by a period, followed by the method name, i.e., line.split(). Third, methods have arguments expressed inside parentheses. For instance, in the example, word.endswith('ing') had the argument 'ing' to indicate that we wanted words ending with ing and not something else. Finally—and most importantly—Python is highly readable, so much so that it is fairly easy to guess what this program does even if you have never written a program before.

We chose Python because it has a shallow learning curve, its syntax and semantics are transparent, and it has good string-handling functionality. As an interpreted language, Python facilitates interactive exploration. As an object-oriented language, Python permits data and methods to be encapsulated and re-used easily. As a dynamic language, Python permits attributes to be added to objects on the fly, and permits variables to be typed dynamically, facilitating rapid development. Python comes with an extensive standard library, including components for graphical programming, numerical processing, and web connectivity.

Python is heavily used in industry, scientific research, and education around the world. Python is often praised for the way it facilitates productivity, quality, and maintainability of software. A collection of Python success stories is posted at http://www.python.org/about/success/.

NLTK defines an infrastructure that can be used to build NLP programs in Python. It provides basic classes for representing data relevant to natural language processing; standard interfaces for performing tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, syntactic parsing, and text classification; and standard implementations for each task that can be combined to solve complex problems.

NLTK comes with extensive documentation. In addition to this book, the website at http://www.nltk.org/ provides API documentation that covers every module, class, and function in the toolkit, specifying parameters and giving examples of usage. The website also provides many HOWTOs with extensive examples and test cases, intended for users, developers, and instructors.

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