More Appium testing

I wanted to include one more test (not used in this application) that I have written in the past for a different project since this will give you an idea of just how powerful Appium can be:

it("should type in an element", function (done) {  driver  .elementByXPath('//' + nsAppium.getXPathElement("EditText") + "[@text='Enter your name']")   .sendKeys('Testing')  .text()  .then(function (v) {     if ('Testing' !== v) {        done(new Error("Value in name field does not match"));     } else {        done();     }   }, done); });});

The first thing you might note is that I did not return the promise chain. That is because this example shows how to use the asynchronous support of it. For an async support, you can use a promise or make the function coming ...

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