Building PlayerControls component

Our player controls should contain a play/pause toggle button for the entire mix. It should also present a slider control to allow us to skip ahead and rewind our playback.

Let's create app/modules/player/components/player-controls/player-controls.component.html (with a matching .ts):

<GridLayout rows="100" columns="75,*" row="1" col="0">  <Button [text]="playStatus" (tap)="togglePlay()" row="0" col="0"></Button>  <Slider minValue="0" [maxValue]="duration"           [value]="currentTime" row="0" col="1"></Slider></GridLayout>

We start with a single row GridLayout with an explicit 100 height. Then, the first column will be constrained to 75 wide to accommodate our play/pause toggle button. Then, the second column will ...

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