Creating a test

Let's start our journey and create a new test file: list.test.js. This file will test our mix-list screen. The screen's HTML (/app/modules/mixer/components/mix-list.component.html) looks like this:

<ActionBar title="Compositions" class="action-bar">   <ActionItem (tap)="add()" ios.position="right">     <Button [text]="'fa-plus' | fonticon" class="fa action-item"></Button>   </ActionItem></ActionBar><ListView [items]="(mixer$ | async)?.compositions | orderBy: 'order'" class="list-group"> <ng-template let-composition="item">   <GridLayout rows="auto" columns="100,*,auto" class="list-group-item">     <Button [text]="'fa-pencil' | fonticon" (tap)="edit(composition)" row="0" col="0" class="fa"></Button> <Label [text]="" (tap)="select(composition)" ...

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