

Absolute limits, 26–28

Across the Secular Abyss, 156–157

Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, 98

Adaptive help systems, 227

Adaptive interfaces, 227

Addiction, 128, 131–133

Administrative science, 190

Adolescent behavior, 156

Aerospace industry, 211, 213

Affective computing, 121

Age of Spiritual Machines, 45, 122

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 68

Aggression, 165

Agriculture, 92–95, 176, 196

Agrifood, 10–11

Alcohol and alcoholism, 128

Alivisatos, Paul, 58

All-Story Weekly, 29

Alpert, Richard, 129

Alzheimer’s disease, 126, 133, 2

AMD, 55

ångström, 2

ANNE (Analogies in Natural Emotion), 224–225

Antarctica, 219

Anthropic theory, 151, 154

Anthropology, 113–114

Apollo, 35–36, 207

Armstrong, Neil, 207

Armstrong, ...

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