2.10 Defining a Time Period with timeperiod

timeperiod objects describe time periods in which Nagios generates and/ or sends notifications. The included example files (Nagios 3.0: objects/timeperiods.cfg; Nagios 2.x: localhost.cfg) contain a number of definitions that can simply be copied to your own timeperiods.cfg file.

In this, the definition of 24×7 is stated as "Sundays to Saturdays, from 0 to 24 hours in each case:"

# -- /etc/nagios/mysite/timeperiods.cfg
define timeperiod{
   timeperiod_name 24×7
   alias           24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
   Sunday              00:00-24:00
   Monday              00:00-24:00
   tuesday             00:00-24:00
   wednesday           00:00-24:00
   Thursday            00:00-24:00
   Friday              00:00-24:00
   Saturday            00:00-24:00

The times of day on individual weekdays can also be "cobbled together" ...

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