Installing Tomcat Under Linux

As with the other packages, installing Tomcat is essentially the same under Linux as under Windows.

Downloading the Distribution

Point your browser toto and select the noarch rpm file and the webapps rpm file.

Save the files to /tmp.

Unpacking the Distribution

cd to /tmp and, as root, run the following:

# rpm —install tomcat4-4.0.1-1.noarch.rpm

Don't forget to setup vars in /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf to
adapt the RPM to your JDK for example.
As supplied we assume you're using IBM JDK 1.3.0

For security purposes, tomcat is no more activated by
default so don't forget to use chkconfig under root :
/sbin/chkconfig —add tomcat4

# /sbin/chkconfig ...

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