Obtaining the Software

The primary distribution points for each of the packages you'll need are shown in the following table. Some packages can be obtained from multiple locations:

MySQL http://www.mysql.com/ ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/
DBI http://www.symbolstone.org/technology/perl/DBI/ http://www.mysql.com/Contrib/
PHP http://www.php.net/ ftp://ftp.php.net/
Apache http://www.apache.org/ ftp://ftp.apache.org/
CGI.pm http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/

If you use FTP to transfer files, be sure to transfer them in binary mode to avoid file corruption.

There are many mirror sites for MySQL. http://www.mysql.com is located in Scandinavia, so if you pick a mirror site that's closer to you, you'll probably get better download ...

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