Effects of the Environment

I already discussed some effects of environments such as concurrent threads, the operating system, hardware, concurrently running software, and the MySQL server and client options in this book. But a query, even if it is running in a single client connected to a dedicated MySQL server, can also be affected by the context in which it is run.

When you call a query from a stored procedure, function, trigger, or event, these contexts can override current session options with their own defaults. Therefore, if you encounter a problem you can’t explain, try the same query outside of the routine. If the results are different, check the routine’s character set and SQL mode. Examine the body of the routine to check whether all necessary objects exist and whether a variable that can affect the query was set. Another environment variable that matters is time_zone, which affects the results of time functions such as NOW() and CURDATE().

  • If a query does not work properly, check the environment in which it was called.

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