


mysql_convert_table_format options database

This utility converts all tables in a given database from one storage engine to another. By default it converts them to MyISAM. The program requires that Perl and the Perl DBI module and DBD::mysql be installed on the system where it’s executed.

mysql_convert_table_format options


This option instructs the utility to keep running despite errors.

--host=host, -h host

This option specifies the host on which to connect and to convert tables.

--help, -?

This option displays help information about the utility.

--password=password, -p password

This option provides the password of the user logging into the server.


This option specifies the port on which to connect to the server. The default is 3306.

--socket=filename, -S filename

This option provides the name of the server’s socket file.


This option specifies the storage engine to which to convert tables. If not given, MyISAM is assumed.

--user=user, -u user

This option provides the username for logging into the server.


This option displays more information from the utility.


This option returns the version of the utility.

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