


comp_err source destination

This utility compiles text files that contain mappings of error codes into a format used by MySQL. This is particularly useful for creating error code messages in spoken languages for which error message files do not already exist. You can also use it to modify error messages to your own wording. To do this, just edit the appropriate errmsg.txt file in its default directory. For English messages on Unix systems, the source text file and the compiled system file are found typically in /usr/share/mysql/english. The following demonstrates how to compile a text file containing error messages in Pig Latin:

comp_err /usr/share/mysql/piglatin/errmsg.txt \

To make the new set of error messages the default set, add the following line to the MySQL configuration file (e.g., my.cnf or my.ini, depending on your system) under the [mysqld] section:


Notice that only the directory is given and not the filename.

Here is a list of options available for this utility in alphabetical order:

--charset=path, -C path

This option specifies the path to the character set files. The default directory is /usr/local/mysql/sql/share/charsets, adjusted for the server’s installation location.

--debug[=options], -# options]

This option logs debugging information. The set of options used by default is 'd:t:o,logname'. See Table 16-1 at the end of the list of options under the mysqldump utility for an explanation ...

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