


SHOW EVENTS [FROM database] [LIKE 'pattern'|WHERE expression]

This statement displays a list of scheduled events on the server. The results can also include events that have been completed but were preserved. The database to which events are related may be given in the FROM clause; the default is the current database. The LIKE or WHERE clauses can be used to list events based on a particular naming pattern. With the WHERE clause, you can use the names of fields in the results to create an expression that sets a condition determining the results returned. An example of this follows. See CREATE EVENT earlier in this chapter for more information on events:

WHERE Definer='russell@localhost' \G

*************************** 1. row ***************************
            Db: college
          Name: students_copy
       Definer: russell@localhost
          Type: RECURRING
    Execute at: NULL
Interval value: 1
Interval field: DAY
        Starts: 2007-11-27 02:30:00
          Ends: NULL
        Status: ENABLED

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