
quote_identifier( )


$database_handle->quote_identifier($catalog, $schema, 
$database_handle->quote_identifier($catalog, $schema, 
                                   $table, \%attributes)

Use this to escape special characters of an identifier for use in an SQL statement. In the first syntax, the one parameter could be an identifier such as a table name. For the second syntax, the catalog name or link is given for the first parameter, a schema for the second, a table name for the third, and database attributes for the fourth. Here is an example of the first syntax:

my $sql_stmnt = "SHOW indexes FROM "
                . $dbh->quote_identifier($table);

Below is an example of the second syntax:

my $table_identifier = $dbh->quote_identifier('link', 'schema', 'table');

The value of $table_identifier would be "schema"."table"@"link".

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