
do( )


$database_handle->do(statement[, \%attributes, @values])

This executes an SQL statement without having to use the prepare( ) method. It returns the number of rows changed. The first argument contains an SQL statement. If placeholders are used in the SQL statement, their values are provided in a comma-separated list or an array in the third argument. Statement handle attributes may be given for the second argument.

my $sql_stmnt = "UPDATE books SET publisher = ?
                 WHERE publisher = ?";
$dbh->do($sql_stmnt, '', 'Oxford Univ. Press', 'OUP');
$dbh->disconnect( );

In this example, the initials of a particular publisher are changed to the publisher’s name. The SQL statement is executed without a prepare( ) or an execute(). Therefore, a finish( ) isn’t required, just a disconnect() is.

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