


mysqlbinlog [options] filename

Use this to format the display of the binary log for a MySQL server. Customized applications also can use it for monitoring server activities. The path to the logfile to format is given as the second argument for the utility. Additional logfiles may be given either with filesystem wildcards or by listing them individually, separated by spaces. Here is an alphabetical list of the options that you can give as the first argument, along with a brief explanation of each:

--database= database , -d database

Displays information regarding only the database given.

--disable-log-bin, -D

Disables binary logging.

--force-read, -f

Forces the reading of unknown log information.

--help, -?

Displays basic help information.

--host= host , -h host

Specifies the hostname or IP address of a remote server containing the logfile to format.

--local-load= path , -l path

Specifies local directory in which temporary files are to be prepared for LOAD DATAINFILE statements.

--offset= number , -o number

Specifies the number of entries to skip in the logfile.


Sets the maximum number of open files allowed. The default is 64.

--password= password , -p password

Provides the password to the remote server that is being accessed.

--port= port , -P port

Specifies the port to use for connecting to a remote server.

--position= number , -j number

Sets the number of bytes to skip in the log file. This option is deprecated. Use --start-position instead. ...

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