Eliminating Duplicates by Adding an Index


A table has duplicates and you’d like to get rid of them.


One way to do this is to create a unique index on the column or columns containing duplicates.


If MySQL discovers duplicate key values when you try to create a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, it aborts the ALTER TABLE operation. To ignore the duplicates and proceed anyway, use ALTER IGNORE TABLE rather than ALTER TABLE. The IGNORE keyword tells MySQL to retain the first row containing a duplicated key value and discard the others. This is, in fact, a useful way to eliminate duplicates in a column or set of columns: just create a unique-valued index and let MySQL throw away the duplicates. (If you need to identify which key values are duplicated, though, that’s not a suitable technique. See Recipe 14.4 for information on duplicate identification.)

To see how IGNORE works to eliminate duplicates, use mytbl, which now has no indexes if you’ve issued the index-modification statements shown earlier. First, insert some duplicate values into the table:

mysql> INSERT INTO mytbl (i,c) VALUES(1,'a'),(1,'a'),(1,NULL),(1,NULL),
    -> (2,'a'),(2,'a'),(2,'b'),(2,'b');
mysql> SELECT * FROM mytbl;
| i | c    |
| 1 | a    |
| 1 | a    |
| 1 | NULL |
| 1 | NULL |
| 2 | a    |
| 2 | a    |
| 2 | b    |
| 2 | b    |

Now suppose you want to create a unique-valued index comprising the i and c columns. A PRIMARY KEY cannot be used here, because c contains NULL values. ...

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