Controlling String Case Sensitivity for MIN( ) and MAX( )


MIN( ) and MAX( ) select strings in case sensitive fashion when you don’t want them to, or vice versa.


Alter the case sensitivity of the strings.


When applied to string values, MIN( ) and MAX( ) produce results determined according to lexical sorting rules. One factor in string sorting is case sensitivity, so MIN( ) and MAX( ) are affected by that as well. In Chapter 6, we used a textblob_val table containing two columns of apparently identical values:

mysql> SELECT tstr, bstr FROM textblob_val;
| tstr | bstr |
| aaa  | aaa  |
| AAA  | AAA  |
| bbb  | bbb  |
| BBB  | BBB  |

However, although the values look the same, they don’t behave the same. bstr is a BLOB column and is case sensitive. tstr, a TEXT column, is not. As a result, MIN( ) and MAX( ) will not necessarily produce the same results for the two columns:

mysql> SELECT MIN(tstr), MIN(bstr) FROM textblob_val;
| MIN(tstr) | MIN(bstr) |
| aaa       | AAA       |

To make tstr case sensitive, use BINARY:

mysql> SELECT MIN(BINARY tstr) FROM textblob_val;
| MIN(BINARY tstr) |
| AAA              |

To make bstr not case sensitive, you can convert the values to a given lettercase:

mysql> SELECT MIN(LOWER(bstr)) FROM textblob_val; +------------------+ | MIN(LOWER(bstr)) | +------------------+ | aaa | ...

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