Summarizing with SUM( ) and AVG( )


You need to add up a set of numbers or find their average.


Use the SUM( ) or AVG( ) functions.


SUM( ) and AVG( ) produce the total and average (mean) of a set of values:

  • What is the total amount of mail traffic and the average size of each message?

    mysql> SELECT SUM(size) AS 'total traffic',
        -> AVG(size) AS 'average message size'
        -> FROM mail;
    | total traffic | average message size |
    |       3798185 |          237386.5625 |
  • How many miles did the drivers in the driver_log table travel? What was the average miles traveled per day?

    mysql> SELECT SUM(miles) AS 'total miles',
        -> AVG(miles) AS 'average miles/day'
        -> FROM driver_log;
    | total miles | average miles/day |
    |        2166 |          216.6000 |
  • What is the total population of the United States?

    mysql> SELECT SUM(pop) FROM states;
    | SUM(pop)  |
    | 248102973 |

    (The value represents the population reported for April, 1990. The figure shown here differs from the U.S. population reported by the U.S. Census Bureau, because the states table doesn’t contain a count for Washington, D.C.)

SUM( ) and AVG( ) are strictly numeric functions, so they can’t be used with strings or temporal values. On the other hand, sometimes you can convert non-numeric ...

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