Storing Web Input in a Database


Input obtained over the Web cannot be trusted and should not be entered into a database without taking the proper precautions.


Sanitize data values by using placeholders or a quoting function so that SQL statements you construct are valid and not subject to SQL injection attacks. Also, enabling strict SQL mode causes the MySQL server to reject values that are invalid for column data types.


After you’ve extracted input parameter values in a web script and checked them to make sure they’re valid, you’re ready to use them to construct an SQL statement. This is actually the easy part of input processing, although it’s necessary to take the proper precautions to avoid making a mistake that you’ll regret. First, let’s consider what can go wrong, and then see how to prevent problems.

Suppose that you have a search form that contains a keyword field and acts as a frontend to a simple search engine. When a user submits a keyword, you intend to use it to find matching rows in a table by constructing a statement like this:

SELECT * FROM mytbl WHERE keyword = 'keyword_val'

Here, keyword_val represents the value entered by the user. If the value is something like eggplant, the resulting statement is:

SELECT * FROM mytbl WHERE keyword = 'eggplant'

The statement returns all eggplant-matching rows, presumably generating a small result set. But suppose that the user is tricky and tries to subvert your script by entering the following value:

eggplant' ...

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