Counting Missing Values


A set of observations is incomplete. You want to find out how much so.


Count the number of NULL values in the set.


Values can be missing from a set of observations for any number of reasons: a test may not yet have been administered, something may have gone wrong during the test that requires invalidating the observation, and so forth. You can represent such observations in a dataset as NULL values to signify that they’re missing or otherwise invalid, and then use summary statements to characterize the completeness of the dataset.

If a table t contains values to be summarized along a single dimension, a simple summary will do to characterize the missing values. Suppose that t looks like this:

mysql>SELECT subject, score FROM t ORDER BY subject;
| subject | score |
|       1 |    38 |
|       2 |  NULL |
|       3 |    47 |
|       4 |  NULL |
|       5 |    37 |
|       6 |    45 |
|       7 |    54 |
|       8 |  NULL |
|       9 |    40 |
|      10 |    49 |

COUNT(*) counts the total number of rows, and COUNT(score) counts only the number of nonmissing scores. The difference between the two values is the number of missing scores, and that difference in relation to the total provides the percentage of missing scores. These calculations are expressed as follows:

mysql>SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'n (total)',
    -> COUNT(score) AS 'n (nonmissing)',
    -> COUNT(*) - COUNT(score) AS 'n (missing)',
    -> ((COUNT(*) - COUNT(score)) * 100) / COUNT(*) AS '% missing'
    -> FROM t; +-----------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+ ...

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