Working with Per-Group and Overall Summary Values Simultaneously


You want to produce a report that requires different levels of summary detail. Or you want to compare per-group summary values to an overall summary value.


Use two statements that retrieve different levels of summary information. Or use a subquery to retrieve one summary value and refer to it in the outer query that refers to other summary values. If it’s necessary only to display multiple summary levels, WITH ROLLUP might be sufficient.


Sometimes a report involves different levels of summary information. For example, the following report displays the total number of miles per driver from the driver_log table, along with each driver’s miles as a percentage of the total miles in the entire table:

| name  | miles/driver | percent of total miles |
| Ben   |          362 |                16.7128 |
| Henry |          911 |                42.0591 |
| Suzi  |          893 |                41.2281 |

The percentages represent the ratio of each driver’s miles to the total miles for all drivers. To perform the percentage calculation, you need a per-group summary to get each driver’s miles and also an overall summary to get the total miles. First, run a query to get the overall mileage total:

mysql>SELECT @total := SUM(miles) AS 'total miles' FROM driver_log;
| total miles |
|        2166 |

Now, ...

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