Selecting Tabular or Tab-Delimited Query Output Format


mysql produces tabular output when you want tab-delimited output, or vice versa.


Select the desired format explicitly with the appropriate command option.


When you use mysql noninteractively (such as to read statements from a file or to send results into a pipe), it writes output in tab-delimited format by default. Sometimes it’s desirable to produce tabular output instead. (These formats are described in Sending Query Output to a File or to a Program.) For example, if you want to print or mail statement results, tab-delimited output doesn’t look very nice. Use the -t (or --table) option to produce tabular output that is more readable:

%mysql -t cookbook < 
               | lpr
% mysql -t cookbook < 
               | mail paul

The inverse operation is to produce batch (tab-delimited) output in interactive mode. To do this, use -B or --batch.

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